The loss of ‘vital fluids’ with urine can be a source of severe physical debility and impotency. This problem always needs immediate attention. Many males try to hide it because in most cases it is caused by unnatural and excessive sexual practices. Ayurvedic treatment for dhat or semen discharge with urine helps in quickly, effectively and discreetly resolving the problem.
This herbal treatment for semen with urine not only solves the problem but also allows a male to recover from its side-effects and gain much better health and potency.
The problem of semen with urine arises due to weak and sluggish nerves and lethargic reproductive system.
Nerves are responsible for keeping semen locked during normal state and also during arousal. Ideally, they shall allow passage of semen only when male wishes to but due to numerous causes, these nerves become weak and inactive which allows semen discharge during or after urination or due to slight excitement.
Semen with urine causes lots of strain on the reproductive system and other organs of the body. It also creates a severe deficiency of vital minerals in the body.
Herbal treatment for semen with urine effectively alleviates the problem and its side-effects in males of all ages.
Males jeopardize normal functions and energy of their reproductive system by performing excessive hand practice, coition or abusive sexual behavior.
All these practices reduce the level of testosterone hormone and exhaust the male reproductive system. A lethargic and weak system is unable to keep nerves active and strong and allows the loss of semen with urine.
This problem further aggravates weaknesses and strains other organs like the liver as well. Poor liver functions raise severe weakness related to muscles and also reduce energy production, fat metabolism and contaminated blood.
For more on semen leakage, check out:
Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Semen in Urine
Natural Ways to Stop Semen Leakage with Urine
Herbal Treatment for Semen With Urine
Males in habit of excessive hand practice suffer with poor prostrate functions along with the problem of semen with urine. Apart from them, poor diet, inactive lifestyle, medications, treatments and exposure to radiation also cause the problem.
Alcoholism, smoking, drugs, health conditions like diabetes and the use of sedatives excessively are well known for harming nerve functions and cause a problem of semen with urine.
Herbal treatment for semen with urine is an excellent way to handle the problem occurring due to any of these reasons.
NF Cure capsules are a tremendously beneficial herbal treatment for semen with urine. These capsules possess herbs which enhance energy and performance of the reproductive system and remove debilities and weaknesses.
NF Cure capsules possess aphrodisiac herbs which elevate the level of testosterone hormone in the body. This hormone rejuvenates the reproductive system and reenergizes to bring it back to its optimum health.
These pills also supplement herbs which strengthen, repair and stimulate nerves and maintain an optimum supply of energy throughout the day to keep them active.
A strong and healthy system and powerful nerves prevent semen discharge with urine in a short time. These capsules also regenerate tissues and make organs stronger and reverse ill-effects of excessive hand practice, coition and other kinds of malpractices.
NF Cure herbal treatment for semen with urine shows its positive effects in a short time and males get rid of the problem quickly.
NF Cure and Shilajit Capsules
Intake of Shilajit capsules with NF Cure capsules makes this herbal treatment for semen with urine complete and highly beneficial. Shilajit capsules further better the effects of NF Cure pills and remove side-effects of the problem over health.
These two together provide holistic ayurvedic treatment for semen with urine. Shilajit capsules come loaded with herbs which supplement a wide range of minerals and nutrients in bio-available form and remove deficiencies.
This herbal treatment for semen with urine increases the frequency of energy-producing reactions and supports all the vital systems of the body including the reproductive system.
The herbal ingredients of this ayurvedic treatment for dhat enhance the supply of energy all over the body and improve the functions of vital organs like liver, kidneys, and heart.
Shilajit herbal treatment for semen with urine lowers toxicity induced by alcohol, tobacco, medicines and also treats disorders like anemia, asthma, arthritis, and fissures effectively.
The herbs present in these capsules boost-up metabolism, strengthen muscles, make bones denser and also keep sugar levels under control.
Herbal Remedies for Semen with Urine
By using these remedies, males gain much-improved potency, virility and vitality to stay problem-free for longer period in life.
This herbal treatment for semen with urine also increases the volume of semen and produces healthy and motile sperms in higher numbers.
Shilajit capsules and NF Cure capsules improve testicular functions and prostrate functions effectively. Many males suffer from problem of semen discharge after urination due to retrograde ejaculation and these supplements can resolve the problems occurring due to this reason as well.
Males of any age can use Shilajit capsules and NF Cure pills without any medical prescription and for a prolonged duration. These herbal supplements do not require and strict dietary or exercising regimen to show their wonderful results.
Use Shilajit capsules and NF Cure capsules for at least 3 to 4 months regularly, but if the problem is severe and old continue till 6 months to gain maximum benefits.
For more on semen leakage, check out:
Natural Herbal Remedies to Stop Semen Leakage
Causes of Semen Discharge After Urination