What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is a virus and an infection which affects the liver and causes irreversible damage. Many people do not even realize that they are carrying hepatitis C infection until some serious damage has been done to the liver. This is contagious and spread through the blood of an infected person.
If left untreated or not handled properly and completely is life-threatening. The liver plays a vital role in the human body. It is biggest gland of the body which has many crucial responsibilities to fulfill.
This organ of the human body has the capability to regenerate its damaged tissues and regain optimum health. But in case of hepatitis infection beyond a point the damage is irreversible.
However, people with proper care and treatment can live a full life despite infection. Home remedies for hepatitis C are trusted all over the world for arresting the progression of infection and also to eliminate it from the system.
In a few cases, hepatitis infection comes in acute form. It affects a person for a short duration and goes away but in most of cases it is a chronic or long-term infection.
Due to hepatitis, C virus a person can suffer from liver cirrhosis. This is an irreversible condition that leads to either liver cancer or liver failure if not treated.
Liver cancer or failure both are fatal conditions. Home remedies for hepatitis C infection are easy to use and effective. These check the progression of cirrhosis and also remove viral infection to allow a person to live a full life.
The incubation period for hepatitis C virus can be as long as 15 years. There are cases where people having this infection see no symptoms at all. It can be diagnosed through a very quick blood test.
For more on hepatitis, check out:
Home Remedies for Hepatitis B, Diet, Treatment and Prevention
Home Remedies for Hepatitis A, Diet, Treatment and Prevention
Causes and Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C infection can be transferred through the blood of an infected person. This does not spread through other fluids of the body. Regular and frequent exposure to infected blood can make a person infected with this virus.
Many people can succumb to this infection at first exposure while others can endure a few exposures. It depends on one’s immune system.
Needles used for drug transfusion or medicines can transfer the virus from infected persons to healthy persons.
People using needles for recreational drugs are at high risk of catching this infection. Un-sanitized needles for medicines also allow a virus to spread from one person to another.
Contaminated blood transfused from infected to a healthy person is obvious cause of infection. Touching cotton, bandages or other equipment with bare hands containing infected blood can also spread the infection.
Hepatitis C infection does not spread from mother to child or by sneezing, coughing or saliva. It also does not spread through hugging, kissing or touching an infected person.
Chances of infection spreading through unprotected sex are also less and rare. However, people with many sex partners are at higher risk of catching an infection.
Hepatitis C virus also does not spread through sharing towels, utensils or food. But it can spread through toothbrush, razors and nail clippers as these can have traces of infected blood.
Joint pain, belly pain, fatigue, muscle soreness, yellow eyes, dark-colored urine, loss of appetite, vomiting or nausea after eating and jaundice are symptoms of hepatitis C infection.
If the infection is allowed to stay it leads to liver cirrhosis. The symptoms of cirrhosis are red spots over palms, itchy skin, shrinking of muscles and swelling in legs, belly, and feet.
Clusters of blood vessels under the skin appearing like a spider web and usually over shoulder, neck, and face are also symptoms of cirrhosis.
Bleeding from enlarged veins in the digestive tract and damage to the nervous system and brain causing poor memory and concentration are also symptoms of cirrhosis.
Home Remedies for Hepatitis C
Garlic – Natural Treatment for Hepatitis C
Garlic is one of the most effective and easily available home remedies for hepatitis C infection. This spice contains allicin which has sulfur and also properties to fight back stubborn bacterial and viral infections.
It contains powerful antioxidants that fight back free-radicals and also detoxifies the blood. This can be used as a spice in cooking and also as a salad ingredient.
But for better and faster effects it is recommended on an empty stomach. Chew one or two cloves of garlic in the morning and swallow it down with a cup of water.
It can be consumed in the form of tea as well. Just boil 3 or 4 crushed cloves of garlic with a cup of water for a few minutes. Strain and consume when warm first up in the day. Regular use of garlic is an excellent natural treatment for hepatitis C.
Turmeric – Home Remedy for Hepatitis C
Turmeric is powerful anti-inflammatory and also strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent. It is also enriched with antioxidant properties which makes it one of the reliable home remedies for hepatitis C.
This rhizome also cleanses the blood and eliminates toxins deposited in the liver. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of milk and drink. If you do not want to consume milk add to a cup of warm water and drink.
This can be used as a spice in cooking and also sprinkled over salad or soups etc.
Licorice – Natural Treatment to Treat Hepatitis C
Licorice is herb with multiple medicinal properties. It is a reliable natural treatment for hepatitis C infection as well. Licorice roots possess anti-viral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
It is also an efficient remedy to heal and treat an ulcer. This herb when ingested in a patient of hepatitis help in improving liver functions and eliminating viral invasion.
It is an immunity enhancer. It increases white blood cells and enhances the efficacy of the immune system to fight back infection. Grind an inch long piece of licorice and add to a cup of water.
Keep the mixture to boil and after few minutes put off the flame. Allow it to become a warm later strain and drink. Repeat three times in the day regularly.
Castor Oil – Home Remedy for Hepatitis C
Castor oil provides one of the simplest home remedies for hepatitis C. it can be applied externally and relieves swelling in belly and expels toxins from the liver.
Take castor oil and make it warm. Soak a cotton towel in it and place it over the stomach. Put a hot water bottle to keep towel warm longer. Repeat this twice in a day to gain relief from infection and its symptoms.
Castor oil open-up congestion and prevents water retention in the liver.
Milk, Ginseng and Green Tea – Natural Treatment for Hepatitis C
There are few herbs as well which are renowned as home remedies for hepatitis C. Milk thistle and St. John’s wort is effective herbs for treating infection and rejuvenating the liver from its damaging effects. These also diffuse swelling and relieve discomforting symptoms of infection effectively.
The use of ginseng and a few cups of green tea during the day are also beneficial as a natural treatment for hepatitis C infection. These are rich in antioxidants and encourage the liver to perform normally.
Diet for Hepatitis C Patients
Diet for hepatitis C patients shall comprise of foods from all four important groups. Properly balanced meals shall be consumed which includes food from wholegrain, fruits, and veggies, cereals and grains, and dairy products and poultry.
Foods from all four groups ensure optimum nutrition and stay light on the stomach.
Choose foods from whole wheat, whole rye, bulgur, brown rice, wild rice, whole oats, oatmeal, whole grain corn, and gram flour to form the core of the diet. Take 5 servings per week of fruits and veggies each.
These are sources of beta-carotene, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. These are rich in potassium which is useful for energy and vitality.
Foods from poultry are sources of protein which are required to keep muscles healthy and strong. These too shall be part of a diet for hepatitis C in limited quantity.
Dairy products are rich in minerals and vital vitamin D which is good for bones and relieves joint pain and soreness. These are also rich in B vitamins, iron, vitamin E and zinc.
Fat-free versions of dairy products shall be used in the diet for hepatitis C patients.
Hepatitis C Treatment and Prevention
Although hepatitis C infection can only be transmitted through blood transfusion but exposure to even tiny amounts of infected blood regularly can be dangerous.
The prevention of hepatitis C is possible only by precaution. Always insist on the use of sterilized or fresh disposable syringes for infections. Stay away from places where one can get exposed to infected blood.
People in the medical industry or working at laboratories or hospitals can get exposed to the blood of a person infected with hepatitis. Such people need to take extra protection for the effective prevention of hepatitis C.
Do not share things like razors or toothbrushes with anyone as these can have traces of blood or virus which can get transmitted into the bloodstream. Even nail-cutters, hair-clippers, and scissors are possible carriers of infection.
People using illicit drugs even occasionally are at high risk of catching an infection, sharing needles is common practice during drug use which exposes a person to infection.
Even snorting cocaine through a currency note or foil paper is possible to cause of infection. During snorting microscopic traces of blood in nostrils can get attached to medium and transfer infection.
Tattoo parlors are other common sources of infection. The needle which pricks the skin may contain the infectious virus. Even cheap ink use to create tattoo can cause infection.
Choose parlors carefully before getting a tattoo for prevention of hepatitis C. though the transfer of infection through intercourse is rare but it has a possibility.
If you have multiple partners or indulge in unnatural or rough intercourse the possibility of catching an infection is bright. By taking simple steps and precautions it is easy to avoid infection and stay protected from this debilitating disease.
There is no vaccination for hepatitis C hence protection is the only way to avoid the infection.
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