An oily face is a problem for anyone who has to deal with it. If you care about your looks, it can end up being quite a nightmare as well. This is especially because it usually happens along with acne. The first thing that you will have to do if you want to get rid of acne is to stop using commercial skin products.
This is among the biggest lies on the planet. You should always rely on home remedies for the oily face instead.
This isn’t only because these remedies are gentle on your skin but they are safer than these cosmetics and contain no harmful chemicals for you to worry about.
There are a few factors that are considered as causes of an oily face like hormones, food allergies, heredity, cosmetics, stress, poor skincare, and the environment.
Oily skin basically occurs when your sebaceous gland becomes overactive. This doesn’t only lead to oily skin but also attracts dirt and will eventually lead to the formation of acne and pimples on the skin.
Luckily, there are multiple homemade remedies that can help get rid of this problem easily. These home remedies for oily face have been in use for quite some time now and are considered to be quite effective in a lot of cases.
So let’s take a look at a few of the most popular natural remedies for an oily face that you can try out:
Home Remedies for Oily Face
Egg Yolks – Remedy to Prevent Oily Face
Among the most effective home remedies for oily face has got to be egg yolks. All you need to do is take the egg whites out of the egg and then beat it along with lemon juice and a little honey.
Take this mixture and apply it to your face and wait for around half an hour. You can then wash your face using cold water. And if you want excellent results then you should do this regularly for around 15 days.
Mild Soaps – Natural Treatment for Oily Face
You should never use any soaps or cleansers on your face when you are looking for home remedies for oily face. These products only cause your sebaceous gland to release more oils in the future.
It is much better for you to just wash your face using plain water instead. At most, you can use soap, but ensure it is mild soap and nothing else.
Almond, Milk and Lemon Juice – Remedy to Cure Oily Face
This third choice constitutes almonds, milk, and lemon juice. Mix all of these things together until it becomes a paste. Then you need to take this paste and gently massage your face with it.
You can then wash this off using regular water. This is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for oily face.
For more on skincare, check out:
Homemade Orange Peel Face Packs Recipes for Oily Skin
Home Remedies for Oily Skin
Lemon and Cucumber Juice – Remedy for Oily Face
The next popular option when it comes to home remedies for oily face includes some lemon and cucumber juice. Take a little bit of both in equal amounts and mix them.
Take this mixture and put it on your face and wait for an hour. You can then wash it off using cold water. If you want to prevent an oily face then you should do this on a regular basis.
Aloe Vera – Natural Treatment for Oily Face
Aloe vera is extremely effective when it comes to treating oily skin. It is a great choice as far as home remedies for the oily face are concerned.
All you have to do is cut the leaf and keep peeling it till the pulp starts oozing. Take this pulp and then rub it on your face. Leave it there for a while and then you can wash it off using water.
Recommended reading:
Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel for Skin Care
Tomatoes – Remedy to Cure Oily Face
Ripe tomatoes are also counted as quite excellent herbal remedies for the oily face as well. You do not have to do too much before using them either.
All you have to do is to take some tomatoes and mash them up. Take this mashed up paste and then put it on your face just like you would any face pack. Leave it on your face for a while and then just wash it off using regular water. It’s that simple.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Remedy to Treat Oily Face
Another item on the list of extremely effective natural remedies for oily skin is apple cider vinegar. It can not only help in removing any excess oils from your face but can also prevent it from returning.
It can do this because it contains something known as acetic acid which is an excellent drying agent.
All you have to do is to take a small ball of cotton and soak it in this vinegar. Then wash your face thoroughly and put this cotton ball spreading the vinegar all over your face.
Let it dry naturally. But don’t do this too often. Just once a month at the most is enough since the acid may start having negative effects on your skin if you do it regularly.
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