Moles have a tendency to be quite disturbing if they appear on certain unappealing spots on your body. While many people would consider going in for mole removal surgery the fact of the matter is that there are quite a few home remedies for moles which they could consider instead.
Surgery should only be considered as a last option. And with so many home remedies we see no reason why you would want to consider any other option anyway.
There has been a lot of hype in recent times about home remedies for moles and how they are so effective and this is why it is recommended that you try out these methods as well instead of spending so much money and going through so much risk.
Given below is a small list of the various home remedies for moles available today along with usage instructions. All of these home remedies are just as effective and can ensure you get rid of them without any trouble:
Home Remedies for Moles
Another wonderful option as far as home remedies for moles is concerned. Garlic contains a lot of sulfur and is known to be quite helpful when it comes to removing moles.
All you have to do is to cut some garlic and place the cut sides directly on the mole. You can make a simple bandage and tie it up so that the garlic doesn’t shift and staying in contact with the mole.
You need to leave this overnight. What’s more, if you can keep it on for even longer, it will definitely help in speeding up the natural treatment.
Hydrogen Peroxide
An excellent choice as far as home remedies for moles are concerned. The first thing you will have to do is to wash the mole and pat it dry to prepare it for removal.
After this, you need to smoothen it with the help of a nail file. Once you’re done with this you can then put some Vaseline on the skin surrounding the mole to protect it.
After this, you need to take an earbud or a cotton ball and soak it in hydrogen peroxide.
Keep applying this soaked piece onto the mole continuously until it becomes white. This is definitely going to sting a bit.
But you need to repeat this multiple times every day and remember to never cover the mole so that it can heal quickly. But if you do use hydrogen peroxide before going to sleep then remember to bandage it.
A little aloe vera gel can help in soothing the stinging feeling you are getting but you should never apply it until the hydrogen peroxide dries up completely.
This wonderful homemade remedy may even help you get rid of your mole in a few days with no scars at all.
Pineapple Juice
This also serves as great natural home remedies for moles and doesn’t require too much work either. All you have to do is to put some pineapple juice on the mole and let it be overnight.
You can wash it off the next morning. You can also consider taking a small piece of pineapple and putting it on the mole.
You can use some bandages to wrap it up and ensure it doesn’t move out of place. The mole should vanish in a few applications.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is the next most effective home remedies for moles for you to consider. It is indeed an excellent choice as far as herbal remedies for getting rid of moles are concerned.
You will first have to deal with the skin around the mole though. You need to make it supple so that it allows for easy removal of the mole. You can then moisten the mole along with the skin around it using warm water.
Do this for 15 minutes. Then take some Vaseline and apply it around the mole so that your skin is protected from the acidity of the vinegar.
Take an ear bud and apply the vinegar onto the mole after this. If the mole is too big then you can even consider using a cotton ball instead.
Let the vinegar remain on the mole for at least 15 minutes before washing it off and patting it dry. Keep on doing this every day until the mole comes off.
The fifth and final natural home remedies for moles on the list is iodine. It is also the most effective and powerful home remedy.
You can easily get iodine at your local medicine store and all you have to do is put it on the mole for 2 to 3 days in a row.
You can apply it before going to sleep and keep it on through the night so that it can soak into the mole. The mole will surely be gone within 3 days if you go for this herbal remedy.